We updated the journal from ojs 2.4.2 to ojs 3.0.2 and found the following problems:
• Articles can not be searched for their submission ID only by author name or article name.
• We can not change the order of the published magazines, however much we organize our way, after saving saves disorganizes again.
• When we modify the date representation in the config.inc.php file to:
Date_format_trunc = “% d-% m”
Date_format_short = “% d /% m /% Y”
Causes image not saving for magazine issue.
Thanks a lot for reporting those!
Search by submission ID is coming with the next i.e. 3.1. release.
I will take a look and test reordering of the journals.
Hmmm… Do you see any errors? – I cannot reproduce it with the current master branch from GitHub, will take a look at the release version as well…
How do you try to reorder the journals – I cannot reproduce it – it works for me… :-
EDIT: I tested both, journal reordering and date format, with the release version and I have no problems…
The problem is in manual sorting, when I click save, it is not saved in the order I want, but randomly.
Our team tried to identify the location and reason for the error at the source code and when commenting a call of the function “resequenceCustomIssueOrders ($ journalId)” In the code below, the error does not happen.
function moveCustomIssueOrder($journalId, $issueId, $newPos) {
$result = $this->retrieve('SELECT issue_id FROM custom_issue_orders WHERE journal_id=? AND issue_id=?', array((int) $journalId, (int) $issueId));
if (!$result->EOF) {
'UPDATE custom_issue_orders SET seq = ? WHERE journal_id = ? AND issue_id = ?',
array($newPos, (int) $journalId, (int) $issueId)
} else {
// This entry is missing. Create it.
$this->insertCustomIssueOrder($journalId, $issueId, $newPos);
We suspect a temporary duplication of “seq” field value in the “custom_issue_orders” table occurs during the database update process. Thus this error happens due to the resulting random order when sorting with value of the duplicate “seq”, this explains that sometimes the correct ordering occurs.
Hmmm… @Alinne_Sarmento, I thought you have problems with journal reordering You said:
We can not change the order of the published magazines, however much we organize our way, after saving saves disorganizes again.
And I though magazine = journal.
The issue reordering was a known issue and it was fixed after the release, s. https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues/2343.
Thus, yes, you would need to delete that line.
Sorry for misunderstanding That’s why it is best to be as much precise as possible and to provide as much details as possible…