I’m getting inconsistent results when trying submitting reference list data to Crossref using the CrossRef XML Export Plugin and Crossref Reference Linking plugin and I can’t understand why.
Some of my XML outputs from the Export Plugin include citation data, some do not. I have ensured that both plugins are properly configured for each journal (each title has its own OJS instance). I am able to add citations to article metadata and to submit XML to Crossref for all articles, but for some journals the citation metadata does not get bundled into the XML. The difference seems to be at the journal level rather than at the level of article, issue, or individual citation.
Here’s an example of article whose XML does include citation information: Access to Primary Health Care Services for Youth Experiencing Homelessness: “You shouldn’t need a health card to be healthy.” | Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse The XML of every article for this journal includes the citation.
Here are two example of articles whose XML does not include citation information: Morrison's Beloved and its Two "Amadas": Postcolonial Signifying upon Translation within African-American Intertextualities | Tusaaji: A Translation Review and Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping: Sylvie’s Fundamental Mentorship through New Western Historicism and Ecofeminist Criticism | Pivot: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Thought The XML of every article for both of these journals lacks the citations.
I thought it might be due to the formatting of the citations; however, I took some citations from one of the journals that did include the citations in the XML, extracted and saved them into one of the journals that didn’t include the citations in the XML, and produced a new XML file - the XML was still lacking citations.
Much obliged if anyone can help troubleshoot.