[solved] OJS3.1.0.1 Impossible to assign file for review after reviewer agreed

One of our editors appointed two reviewers to a manuscript and they agreed to do the review. However, he did this without sending the appropriate file to review by using the ‘send to review’ button and started the review round without any file being there. He also overlooked that mistake when appointing the reviewers.

I uploaded the manuscript file to the ‘review files’ part now, but this does not provide the file to the already appointed reviewers (I checked from their accounts) and I see no way to do this manually. I can also not send the file via the ‘email reviewer’ function, since no files can be enclosed there.

For now, I will send the file via my mail programme but is there a way I could subsequently set the review file the next time this happens?

Try clicking the blue triangle in the front of the reviewer name => “Edit”. You should see a grid titled “Files to be reviewed”

Found it and it worked! Thanks!

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