I have conference site using OCS 2.3.6 and I have a problem with article view page, every link on this link presentation, when I click one of the article just showing blank page. ex. this article.
Anyone can help me?
Iam checking on console Chrome find this error
in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘DENY’.
Check the web servers error log. There is likely to be some more information in the log.
The location of the log will be set in your apache or nginx configuration for the site.
You might wish to tail the web server error log as you click on a link to see the error in real time.
Hi @andrewdion04,
Hmmm… Apparently your server is not allowing its websites to be framed s. e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38699221/load-denied-by-x-frame-options-does-not-permit-framing. And apparently that page has/uses two iframes, s. ocs/view.tpl at ocs-stable-2_3_6 · pkp/ocs · GitHub
Thank you for your advice, and now the problem resolved…