Site-wide KBART plugin

Hi everyone! We’re currently working on a new OJS plugin for exporting journal metadata as .txt file in KBART format. More precisely, it should collect the data of all journals of a given OJS instance.

The plugin is expected to provide a URL from which the file could be downloaded. The filename can be customized but follows a certain pattern. By now the export works fine but the file name has to be configured in the code and one has to manually type in the required URL.

So, we need a site-wide plugin which however only admins should be allowed to configure (i.e. the file name, the URL should be fixed). Ideally, there would be a little modal for the configuration and a button for the download (maybe at ‘Administration/Site Management/Hosted Journals’).

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how to implement this?

Christoph Otte

Heidelberg University Library