Site upgraded to OJS stuck on home page, no stylesheets are working

Description of issue or problem I’m having:
I’ve been working on upgrading from OJS and have finally been able to get the upgrade finished and the site to show, but now that the site is showing it is non-responsive. No matter what I click it displays the landing page even though the url is updating correctly. The styles are also not working, saying:
Refused to apply style from '$$$call$$$/page/page/css?name=stylesheet' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.

I can’t tell where that stylesheet is even located so I can update the MIME type.

Steps I took leading up to the issue:
Upgraded from OJS 3.0.2 to with the php upgrade tool.

What I tried to resolve the issue:
Checked the error logs. There was a permission issue because new files created through the upgrade process were under my username instead of owned by www-data. Fixed that and no more errors are showing.

Application Version - e.g., OJS 3.1.2:

Additional information, such as screenshots and error log messages if applicable:
The site is located at The working version of the site (OJS 3.0.2) is located at

Hi @califer
Have you cleared the template cache?

Thanks for the reply, @dagosalas
How do I go about clearing the template cache when I can’t access the admin panel? I checked the cache directory but there wasn’t a specific folder for templates.

I deleted everything in the cache folder, but nothing has changed.

Well, it’s very rare, you have to try several things.

Please check base_url, must be
(excluding the trailing slash)

Does the apache (or php( error file show anything abnormal?

Base url seems to be correct base_url = ""

The apache error log isn’t adding anything to the site when I check anything, but the access log is updating when I access it. Previously there was an error in the log due to the update creating new files as my user instead of www-data, but that’s been resolved.

The request to load stylesheets and fonts is failing. Likely something wrong with the configuration as already was mentioned. I would also check force_ssl in OJS config as you are using a secure protocol

force_ssl is turned on. I’m not seeing any issues with the config, but maybe there’s something I’m not seeing.

; <?php exit(); // DO NOT DELETE ?>
; Doing so will expose this configuration file through your web site!

; Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Simon Fraser University Library
; Copyright (c) 2003-2016 John Willinsky
; Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
; OJS Configuration settings.
; Rename to to use.

; General Settings ;


; Set this to On once the system has been installed
; (This is generally done automatically by the installer)
installed = On

; The canonical URL to the OJS installation (excluding the trailing slash)
base_url = ""

; Path to the registry directory (containing various settings files)
; Although the files in this directory generally do not contain any
; sensitive information, the directory can be moved to a location that
; is not web-accessible if desired
registry_dir = registry

; Session cookie name
session_cookie_name = OJSSID

; Number of days to save login cookie for if user selects to remember
; (set to 0 to force expiration at end of current session)
session_lifetime = 30

; Enable support for running scheduled tasks
; Set this to On if you have set up the scheduled tasks script to
; execute periodically
scheduled_tasks = Off

; Scheduled tasks will send email about processing
; only in case of errors. Set to off to receive
; all other kind of notification, including success,
; warnings and notices.
scheduled_tasks_report_error_only = On

; Short and long date formats
date_format_trunc = "%m-%d"
date_format_short = "%Y-%m-%d"
date_format_long = "%B %e, %Y"
datetime_format_short = "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p"
datetime_format_long = "%B %e, %Y - %I:%M %p"
time_format = "%I:%M %p"

; Use URL parameters instead of CGI PATH_INFO. This is useful for
; broken server setups that don't support the PATH_INFO environment
; variable. Use of this mode is recommended as a last resort.
disable_path_info = Off

; Use fopen(...) for URL-based reads. Modern versions of dspace
; will not accept requests using fopen, as it does not provide a
; User Agent, so this option is disabled by default. If this feature
; is disabled by PHP's configuration, this setting will be ignored.
allow_url_fopen = Off

; Base URL override settings: Entries like the following examples can
; be used to override the base URLs used by OJS. If you want to use a
; proxy to rewrite URLs to OJS, configure your proxy's URL here.
; Syntax: base_url[journal_path] =
; To override URLs that aren't part of a particular journal, use a
; journal_path of "index".
; Examples:
; base_url[index] =
; base_url[myJournal] =
; base_url[myOtherJournal] =

; Generate RESTful URLs using mod_rewrite.  This requires the
; rewrite directive to be enabled in your .htaccess or httpd.conf.
; See FAQ for more details.
restful_urls = Off

; Allow the X_FORWARDED_FOR header to override the REMOTE_ADDR as the source IP
; Set this to "On" if you are behind a reverse proxy and you control the X_FORWARDED_FOR
; Warning: This defaults to "On" if unset for backwards compatibility.
trust_x_forwarded_for = Off

; Allow javascript files to be served through a content delivery network (set to off to use local files)
enable_cdn = On

; Set the maximum number of citation checking processes that may run in parallel.
; Too high a value can increase server load and lead to too many parallel outgoing
; requests to citation checking web services. Too low a value can lead to significantly
; slower citation checking performance. A reasonable value is probably between 3
; and 10. The more your connection bandwidth allows the better.
citation_checking_max_processes = 3

; Display a message on the site admin and journal manager user home pages if there is an upgrade available
show_upgrade_warning = On

; Provide a unique site ID and OAI base URL to PKP for statistics and security
; alert purposes only.
enable_beacon = on

; Database Settings ;


driver = mysqli
host = localhost
username = USERNAME
password = PASSWORD
name = NAME

; Set the non-standard port and/or socket, if used
; port = 3306
; unix_socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

; Database collation
; collation = utf8_general_ci

; Enable database debug output (very verbose!)
debug = Off

; Cache Settings ;


; Choose the type of object data caching to use. Options are:
; - memcache: Use the memcache server configured below
; - xcache: Use the xcache variable store
; - apc: Use the APC variable store
; - none: Use no caching.
object_cache = none

; Enable memcache support
memcache_hostname = localhost
memcache_port = 11211

; For site visitors who are not logged in, many pages are often entirely
; static (e.g. About, the home page, etc). If the option below is enabled,
; these pages will be cached in local flat files for the number of hours
; specified in the web_cache_hours option. This will cut down on server
; overhead for many requests, but should be used with caution because:
; 1) Things like journal metadata changes will not be reflected in cached
;    data until the cache expires or is cleared, and
; However, for situations like hosting high-volume open access journals, it's
; an easy way of decreasing server load.
; When using web_cache, configure a tool to periodically clear out cache files
; such as CRON. For example, configure it to run the following command:
; find .../ojs/cache -maxdepth 1 -name wc-\*.html -mtime +1 -exec rm "{}" ";"
web_cache = Off
web_cache_hours = 1

; Localization Settings ;


; Default locale
locale = en_US

; Client output/input character set
client_charset = utf-8

; Database connection character set
; Must be set to "Off" if not supported by the database server
; If enabled, must be the same character set as "client_charset"
; (although the actual name may differ slightly depending on the server)
connection_charset = utf8

; Database storage character set
; Must be set to "Off" if not supported by the database server
database_charset = utf8

; Enable character normalization to utf-8
; If disabled, strings will be passed through in their native encoding
; Note that client_charset and database collation must be set
; to "utf-8" for this to work, as characters are stored in utf-8
; (Note that this is generally no longer needed, as UTF8 adoption is good.)
charset_normalization = Off

; File Settings ;


; Complete path to directory to store uploaded files
; (This directory should not be directly web-accessible)
; Windows users should use forward slashes
files_dir = "/mnt/shares/"

; Path to the directory to store public uploaded files
; (This directory should be web-accessible and the specified path
; should be relative to the base OJS directory)
; Windows users should use forward slashes
public_files_dir = public

; Permissions mask for created files and directories
umask = 0022

; Fileinfo (MIME) Settings ;

; mime_database_path = /etc/magic.mime

; Security Settings ;


; Force SSL connections site-wide
force_ssl = On

; Force SSL connections for login only
force_login_ssl = On

; This check will invalidate a session if the user's IP address changes.
; Enabling this option provides some amount of additional security, but may
; cause problems for users behind a proxy farm (e.g., AOL).
session_check_ip = On

; The encryption (hashing) algorithm to use for encrypting user passwords
; Valid values are: md5, sha1
; Note that sha1 requires PHP >= 4.3.0
encryption = sha1

; The unique salt to use for generating password reset hashes
salt = SALT

; The number of seconds before a password reset hash expires (defaults to 7200 / 2 hours)
reset_seconds = 7200

; Allowed HTML tags for fields that permit restricted HTML.
; For PHP 5.0.5 and greater, allowed attributes must be specified individually
; e.g. <img src|alt> to allow "src" and "alt" attributes. Unspecified
; attributes will be stripped. For PHP below 5.0.5 attributes may not be
; specified in this way.
allowed_html = "<a href|target> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <b> <i> <u> <img src|alt> <sup> <sub> <br> <p>"

; Prevent VIM from attempting to highlight the rest of the config file
; with unclosed tags:
; </p></sub></sup></u></i></b></dd></dt></dl></li></ol></ul></code></cite></strong></em></a>

; Configure whether implicit authentication (request headers) is used.
; Valid values are: On, Off, Optional
; If On or Optional, request headers are consulted for account metadata so
; ensure that users cannot spoof headers. If Optional, users may use either
; implicit authentication or local accounts to access the system.
;implicit_auth = On

; Implicit Auth Header Variables
;implicit_auth_header_first_name = HTTP_GIVENNAME
;implicit_auth_header_last_name = HTTP_SN
;implicit_auth_header_email = HTTP_MAIL
;implicit_auth_header_phone = HTTP_TELEPHONENUMBER
;implicit_auth_header_initials = HTTP_METADATA_INITIALS
;implicit_auth_header_mailing_address = HTTP_METADATA_HOMEPOSTALADDRESS
;implicit_auth_header_uin = HTTP_UID

; A space delimited list of uins to make admin
;implicit_auth_admin_list = ""

; URL of the implicit auth 'Way Finder' (Discovery Service [DS]) page.
; See pages/login/ for usage.
;implicit_auth_wayf_url = "/Shibboleth.sso/wayf"

; Email Settings ;


; Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail()
smtp = On

; SMTP server settings
smtp_server = SERVER
smtp_port = 25

; Force the default envelope sender (if present)
; This is useful if setting up a site-wide noreply address
; The reply-to field will be set with the reply-to or from address.
; force_default_envelope_sender = Off

; Enable SMTP authentication
; Supported mechanisms: PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, and DIGEST-MD5
; smtp_auth = PLAIN
; smtp_username = username
; smtp_password = password

; Enable SMTP authentication
; Supported mechanisms: ssl, tls
; smtp_auth = tls
; smtp_username = username
; smtp_password = password

; Allow envelope sender to be specified
; (may not be possible with some server configurations)
; allow_envelope_sender = Off

; Default envelope sender to use if none is specified elsewhere
; default_envelope_sender =

; Enable attachments in the various "Send Email" pages.
; (Disabling here will not disable attachments on features that
; require them, e.g. attachment-based reviews)
enable_attachments = On

; Amount of time required between attempts to send non-editorial emails
; in seconds. This can be used to help prevent email relaying via OJS.
time_between_emails = 3600

; Maximum number of recipients that can be included in a single email
; (either as To:, Cc:, or Bcc: addresses) for a non-priveleged user
max_recipients = 10

; If enabled, email addresses must be validated before login is possible.
require_validation = Off

; Maximum number of days before an unvalidated account expires and is deleted
validation_timeout = 14

; There were more added options to the new template, but they were all turned off by default. Check there if mail is an issue.

; Search Settings ;


; Minimum indexed word length
min_word_length = 3

; The maximum number of search results fetched per keyword. These results
; are fetched and merged to provide results for searches with several keywords.
results_per_keyword = 500

; The number of hours for which keyword search results are cached.
result_cache_hours = 1

; Paths to helper programs for indexing non-text files.
; Programs are assumed to output the converted text to stdout, and "%s" is
; replaced by the file argument.
; Note that using full paths to the binaries is recommended.
; Uncomment applicable lines to enable (at most one per file type).
; Additional "index[MIME_TYPE]" lines can be added for any mime type to be
; indexed.

; index[application/pdf] = "/usr/bin/pstotext -enc UTF-8 -nopgbrk %s - | /usr/bin/tr '[:cntrl:]' ' '"
; index[application/pdf] = "/usr/bin/pdftotext -enc UTF-8 -nopgbrk %s - | /usr/bin/tr '[:cntrl:]' ' '"

; PostScript
; index[application/postscript] = "/usr/bin/pstotext -enc UTF-8 -nopgbrk %s - | /usr/bin/tr '[:cntrl:]' ' '"
; index[application/postscript] = "/usr/bin/ps2ascii %s | /usr/bin/tr '[:cntrl:]' ' '"

; Microsoft Word
; index[application/msword] = "/usr/bin/antiword %s"
; index[application/msword] = "/usr/bin/catdoc %s"

; OAI Settings ;


; Enable OAI front-end to the site
oai = On

; OAI Repository identifier
repository_id = ""

; Maximum number of records per request to serve via OAI
oai_max_records = 100

; Interface Settings ;


; Number of items to display per page; overridable on a per-journal basis
items_per_page = 25

; Number of page links to display; overridable on a per-journal basis
page_links = 10

; Captcha Settings ;


; Whether or not to enable Captcha features
captcha = off

; Whether or not to use Captcha on user registration
captcha_on_register = on

; Whether or not to use Captcha on user comments
captcha_on_comments = on

; Whether or not to use Captcha on notification mailing list registration
captcha_on_mailinglist = on

; Font location for font to use in Captcha images
font_location = /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf

; Whether to use reCaptcha instead of default Captcha
recaptcha = off

; Public key for reCaptcha (see
; recaptcha_public_key = your_public_key

; Private key for reCaptcha (see
; recaptcha_private_key = your_private_key

; External Commands ;


; These are paths to (optional) external binaries used in
; certain plug-ins or advanced program features.

; Using full paths to the binaries is recommended.

; perl (used in paracite citation parser)
perl = /usr/bin/perl

; tar (used in backup plugin, translation packaging)
tar = /bin/tar

; egrep (used in copyAccessLogFileTool)
egrep = /bin/egrep

; gzip (used in FileManager)
gzip = /bin/gzip

; On systems that do not have PHP4's Sablotron/xsl or PHP5's libxsl/xslt
; libraries installed, or for those who require a specific XSLT processor,
; you may enter the complete path to the XSLT renderer tool, with any
; required arguments. Use %xsl to substitute the location of the XSL
; stylesheet file, and %xml for the location of the XML source file; eg:
; /usr/bin/java -jar ~/java/xalan.jar -HTML -IN %xml -XSL %xsl
xslt_command = ""

; Proxy Settings ;


; The HTTP proxy configuration to use
; http_proxy = "http://username:password@"
; https_proxy = "https://username:password@"

; Debug Settings ;


; Display execution stats in the footer
show_stats =  Off

; Display a stack trace when a fatal error occurs.
; Note that this may expose private information and should be disabled
; for any production system.
show_stacktrace = Off

; Display an error message when something goes wrong.
display_errors = Off

; Display deprecation warnings
deprecation_warnings = Off

; Log web service request information for debugging
log_web_service_info = Off

; declare a cainfo path if a certificate other than PHP's default should be used for curl c>; This setting overrides the 'curl.cainfo' parameter of the php.ini configuration file.
; cainfo = ""

; PLN Settings ;


; Domain name where deposits will be sent to.
; The URL of your network's staging server. Do not change this unless instructed
; to do so by someone from your network. You do not need to create an 
; account or login on this server. 
; For more information, please see
; If you do change this value, a journal manager must also reset each deposit in
; each journal so that the new network will receive and process the deposits. 
; Deposits can be reset for each journal on the PLN Plugin's status page at 
; Journal Management > System Plugins > Generic Plugins > PKP PLN Plugin
; pln_url =
; pln_status_docs =

I decided to hunt down the path of the index’s code. I found the Dispatcher and wanted to see what exactly it was getting that led to every url just showing the index. It seems to be getting an empty object.

Request Object
    [_router] => 
    [_dispatcher] => 
    [_requestVars] => 
    [_basePath] => 
    [_requestPath] => 
    [_isRestfulUrlsEnabled] => 
    [_isPathInfoEnabled] => 
    [_serverHost] => 
    [_protocol] => 
    [_isBot] => 
    [_userAgent] => 

So it makes sense that it can’t figure out where to go, but why is the PKPRequest empty?

I’d turn of force_login_ssl, as it’s already in place site-wide. But that’s not the cause.

It’s easier to debug locally using PHP built-in server. If you will be able to reproduce it there, using the cope of the site, then we can exclude web server configuration.

Request headers look normal but the response is invalid, I don’t see any status code.

You also may want to check similar cases on SO, e.g.: Nginx fails to load css files - Stack Overflow