I noticed something in my OJS 2.4.X, and there are multiple journals. No code change in my version.
The Journal Content Block, which allows you to search the journal produces a “404 not found”. You can see the Journal Content Block here on the OJS demo. I have something similar: http://journals.sfu.ca/present/index.php/demojournal/search
I also noticed that if I am logged into to journals and use the Journal Content Block to search the journal, I get a “404 not found”.
But once I am logged out of the journal, when I search using the Journal Content Block, it does not give me any results. I end up seeing my search results. For example, if I type bacon, I get the following:
When I go to the search page using the search link, the search works and shows me the result of my search. Just like this link: http://journals.sfu.ca/present/index.php/demojournal/search
But now that I am not logged in, when I search, I am seeing “404 not found”, and at times, the page just refreshes but does not produce any result.
Anyone know what is going on here?