I like to setup the sidebar blocks when I’m in site level, but I can’t find where I can do this (as I do in journal level in setup step 5).
This is the main/functional question… the workaround, although I think the real problem is a little bit more complex than this.
After migrating from 2.3 to 2.4 I noticed OJS makes a change of context that I’m not compleatly sure it’s a good idea.
In newer versions, when you click in “User Home” it drives you to site level when in former versions it keeps you in the journal level.
I think I understand the logic behind this change (users have multiple roles in multiple journals and could be nice to jump to other magazine) but from my experience, only a little part of my users work in different journals so this change of context (different theme, blocks, menu options…) generates confusion.
Although I’m still interested in the initial question, I encourage PKP to review this design decision.
Take care,