**Show or not versions of an article**

Describe the issue or problem
I don’t know how to remove the number of dates displayed in the summary of any article.
Is there a way to leave only one date visible where it says “Versiones”?

What application are you using?
OJS 3.3.0-10

Additional information
Here I leave an image so you can better understand what I’m saying.
Screenshot 2023-10-24 12-14-43

Hi @Sunny,

I’m curious what your use case for modifying the dates is? Doing so would likely require modifying the code, which could have unintended consequences.

PKP team

Hi there @Sunny

If what you want is the versions of the article not being displayed, you may upload a css file at Website → Appearance → Advanced → Journal style sheet

with this content:

.sub_item.versions {
	display: none;

En español :slight_smile:

Si lo que querés es que no se muestren las versiones del artículo, podés subir un archivo de texto (sinversiones.css por ejemplo) a través del Panel de control de la revista, en Sitio Web → Apariencia → Avanzado, en el apartado Plantilla de la Revista

El contenido de ese archivo de texto es el que indico más arriba y lo que hace es ocultar precisamente las versiones del artículo.

Espero que sirva

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The magazine team has asked me for this, they have had to make many changes to the articles and they do not want such a long list of dates to be seen.

Thank you very much @hilongo, it worked and the team was excited.
I would also like to eliminate the published date along with the update date. How is it done?

Screenshot 2023-10-26 15-03-57

I see that you have created multiple versions with the same date. Is there a reason?
You do not need to create separate versions for each revision. You can unpublish the article, make minor revisions/corrections and republish it. In this case, the publication date of the article does not change.
If there’s a reason you’re not doing this, I’d like to know.

Hi there @Sunny

I think you can hide both things with something like this:

.sub_item.versions {
	display: none;
.item.published {
	display: none;
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It has worked!! Thanks for all the help!

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