'Show files from all accessible workflow stages' doesn't seem to display all files


We have noticed that the ‘Show files from all accessible workflow stages’ feature (used in uploading new files) does not show all files used in previous rounds. When a subsequent round has been started, files from the older rounds which are not included are:

  • files uploaded by the editor directly into the review files
  • revision files that are not selected to go into the new round

We had expected all files used previously to appear in the list, so please can I ask if this an unintentional omission or part of the logic of this feature? If part of the logic, then is there another way to view of the all files from the previous stages?

Screenshot 1: Image showing an extra file in both the review files and the revisions (neither file were carried over into round 2).

Screenshot 2: List of files that appear under ‘Show files from all accessible workflow stages’.

Many thanks,

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Hi @tim-colebrook,

Are you certain that you selected all of the desired files at the time of starting the new round?

I just tested this out and when you create a new review round, you have the option to select which files ought to be included as part of a new round - this impacts the files that are then available as part of this new round. This is outlined here: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/learning-ojs/3.3/en/editorial-workflow#additional-round-of-review (this is for version 3.3, so could you please indicate which version you are using e.g. 3.3.0-8?)

PKP Team

Hi Roger,

Thanks for the quick response, we are using 3.3.0-14.

So the issue regards files that are not selected when starting a new round of review. In the guidelines, it does mention that if you are in round 3 and want files from round 1, then you would have to manually download and re-upload these.

I appreciate the argument could be made for ‘just make sure to select all of the files when you start a new round of review’, however some files can be left out as a mistake or as a misunderstanding on the basis that they are not intended for review but are intended for publication, or because they were uploaded by the editor into the review files panel and so not available for selection to the next round (only files uploaded into the revisions panel seem to be selectable).

This doesn’t come too often, but has been raised by some editors who had missed out on a file, especially when uploading all files into the copyediting stage, so we were wondering if there was a reason why the feature wouldn’t show all of the files on the system (excluding duplicates).


Hi @tim-colebrook,

Thanks for your comments.

  • I see your point, I’m pretty sure there is not a way to do this within OJS currently, but let me inquire with some of our team and get back to you.

Best regards,

PKP Team

Hi Roger,

Just checking back on this one, I appreciate there’s likely nothing to be done at present, but I was curious to know if it is something PKP is aware of and if so, whether it was part of an intentional design or something that might be spec’d for changing in the future?


Hi @tim-colebrook,

I checked, and I don’t see this currently on the radar amongst current issues that our developers are trying to address for future iterations of the software. But, if you’d like, you can file a “Feature Request” - by posting a feature request post here on the forum in that category and following the template indicating what you’d like to see happen with this in the future.

PKP Team

Hi Roger,

Thanks for checking, I may post a request for this but I’ll speak with our team as well (]u[).
