Setting different review timeline for different submission forms

Describe the issue or problem
I noticed that theres the timeline setting Journal Management → Jornal Setup → Policies → Review Time.

However, this review time is applied to all the submission forms. We have papers that are long and requirement more time, and short ones that require less.

Is there a way to allow a different timeline for different submissions?

If currently that’s not possible natively, does anyone know if this can be achieved via plugins?

Steps I took leading up to the issue
As above

What application are you using?
OJS 2.8 (it’s old, I know…)

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

Hi @calvint,

I know you’ve already noted this, but I should point out that the version of OJS that you’re using is no longer maintained or supported by PKP.

With respect to your questions:

Is there a way to allow a different timeline for different submissions?

If currently that’s not possible natively, does anyone know if this can be achieved via plugins?

The basic answer is “No” as OJS 2 is no longer under active development and solutions for this are highly unlikely to be developed, as there is no longer development of plugins/new features for OJS 2.

I highly recommend that you upgrade to the newest version of OJS. You may find that this situation is handled differently in OJS 3.

If you do embark on the upgrade, the following resources helpful in preparing for and performing the upgrade:

These resources will introduce you to OJS 3 and how it is different from OJS 2:

You may need to seek professional support to upgrade your installation. This can usually be acquired from the service provider that hosts or maintains your software, such as the technical support team at your institution or a third-party hosting provider.

Best regards,

PKP Team