Hi, well i have seen that for some razon when i have to restart the server the service of lucene script dont start automatic, i have to run it manually, does any body knows whats could be happening?? Im using OJS
Hi @alienmau,
You’ll need to work with whatever server tools your server uses (e.g. start-stop-daemon
) to set the Lucene service to run automatically; OJS can’t do this by itself, and the approach will vary by server.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
hi, first thanks for quick response, otherwise im using ubuntu server, so i just did the instruction of the readme file of lucene, with ./start.sh , so how can i improve this?
Hi @alienmau,
You might get more comprehensive advice posting this question on something like StackOverflow – but have a look at this thread for a start.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team