In looking to install OJS, the journal I am working with will be using OJS as a manuscript submission management system, but not using the OJS front-end website function. If this is what OJS will be used for, will we still be required to install the software on a server? I am absolutely not tech savvy, so I can’t say I even know what a server is. Is it possible to install OJS on a personal computer? Or do we require a separate bit of hardware that is a server?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @ivmcphail,
If more than one person is going to interact with OJS – think authors, reviewers, etc. – then you’ll have to install it on a server. You’ll likely have to either choose a host to provide and manage the server for you (there are many out there) or you’ll have to find someone with those skills.
Since OJS is intended to run on a server, it’s unconventional to run it on a personal computer, and it’ll take the same skills to set it up there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Once again, thanks for the speedy and very helpful reply!