I am using the latest stable build of OJS and everything was running smooth. However, the server moved, new IP but otherwise same specs, but I am running into some problems.
I get an Error when I login with the message: You are not authorized to access the requested source,
The site loads but the published articles I cannot find at the backend, they are listed at the frontpage but when I click the PDF I get an error saying: PDF.js v2.6.347 (build: 3be9c65f)
Message: Unexpected server response (500) while retrieving PDF “https://www.ciris.info/panoply/index.php/journal/article/download/22/3/100”.
In addition this is what I get when logging in: The current role does not have access to this operation. [/index.php/journal/$$$call$$$/grid/plugins/plugin-gallery-grid/fetch-grid?_=1708338296493]