@asmecher We are using OJS Vesion
When i click send to review button
and upload file, it generate this error. Please guide how i can resolve this
@asmecher We are using OJS Vesion
When i click send to review button
and upload file, it generate this error. Please guide how i can resolve this
Hi @hussainyousaf,
That particular error, and a potential solution, is mentioned in this post here: Missing or invalid component error - #8 by Yanan_Zhao
You may wish to try what is suggested in that post.
You may also wish to consider updating your OJS instance. I mention that, because the version of OJS that you’re using is no longer supported by PKP.
Upgrading instructions are available in the PKP Administrator’s Guide.
And information about the latest version of OJS can be found on the PKP Website
PKP Team
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