Seeking Guidance: Issues with OJS Forthcoming Plugin

Context: OJS

I need help with the forthcoming plugin.

After reading instructions here (GitHub - ajnyga/forthcoming: OJS3 plugin for showing forthcoming articles) and doing several tests on a local instance and also on PKP’s test drive, I invariably get inconclusive results. So the first step, that is assigning an article to a forthcoming published issue, works fine : the article appears as expected under the “forthcoming” page and is identified as being in the “forthcoming” issue on its landing page. I didn’t see the need to assign a DOI to this version as part of my tests.


Where it gets tricky is when I try to create a new version of the article, assign that version to an issue to come, add a DOI to it, and then publish said issue. My article then ends up in the ToC of that issue, as I would expect, but the landing page for the article still shows indication that it belongs to the “forthcoming” issue :-(, and the article continues to appear in the list of “forthcoming” articles.

In the dashboard, the second version is still marked as “Scheduled” eventhough the issue was published…

What am I doing wrong? Have I not understood how the plugin works? Can anyone give me details of each step involved in achieving a conclusive result? Thanks for your help.



Do you see the same behaviour if you turn of the plugin?

I mean if you just publish an article in issue #1 and then proceed to create a new version of the article and publish that in issue #2.

The thing is that all my plugin really does is:

  • Allow you to select which issue is the “Forthcoming issue”
  • Redirect the issue toc url for that issue to a modified page handler listing the articles
  • hide the forthcoming issue from the public archive

So while the problem seems to be in the process of publishing a new version I am not sure how the plugin would affect that.

Thank you, ajnyga, for your response. I believe I mistakenly marked one extra “unpublished” before submitting for publication in a new issue, or perhaps there was an error in my handling that resulted in the second version not being published. Fortunately, the issue has been resolved, and I can now observe the different versions accurately displayed in the final rendering of the published version.
