I am writing here because I can’t find where I can add a translation for the string ##section.policy## during the first step of the submission process followed by an author.
I have looked for it a bit everywhere but I couldn’t locate it. Where can I find it? At the moment it is missing in the Italian language.
I am using OJS 3.1.2-4 with HealthScience (last version).
Best regards
That would typically go in the locale.xml file in locale/it_IT/locale.xml but you’re right, there isn’t one there at the moment. You can add one to that file. Even better, if you can create an issue for the missing key(s) here Issues · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
For the moment, I didn’t add one string to the locale.xml file, because with the next release I guess it will be overrides if I am correct (I didn’t create a child theme yet).
All the best,