Section in OPS

Hi, I am setting up a preprint server in OPS. I want to work with sections in addition to categories. It seems that it is not so easy to handle categories. First I had difficulties to find the path for the section. Categories is much easier.
Now, I assign items to the section but the file shows that there are no items assigned. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug? Thank you very much.

Hi @Ppantaleo,

Interesting - thanks for sharing. I was testing this in OPS as well and was not able to easily get at sections either.

Now, I assign items to the section but the file shows that there are no items assigned. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

-Can you provide more details on this - what were the steps you were taking (i.e. where were you clicking) that it showed this?

PKP team

Hi, thanks for your reply.
The article is assigned to the section:

But when entering the section archive, it does not show articles:

Hi @rcgillis I still can’t find the problem. I compare sections.tpl from a working version, and it has the class cmp_article_list
The version that does not work, has the class cmp_preprint_list in sections.tpl. However, it still does not work. I appreciate the guidance.

Thanks for the update, @Ppantaleo. I’ve referred this on to our other team members. Hopefully they will have the opportunity to weigh in when they have a chance.

PKP Team

Hi @Ppantaleo,

Whoops, I see what you mean! Please try applying one of the patches attached to OPS Section listing always shows empty preprint list · Issue #9737 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub and report back whether it fixes the listing for you. I’ll make sure it gets included in the next OPS 3.4.0-x release (which is due fairly soon).

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thanks so much Alec!

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Perfect. It worked for me. pkp/pkp-lib#9737 Fix empty section preprint listing · pkp/ops@e59e85b · GitHub


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