Search Page URL Issue

Hell everyone,
I am using OJS 3.3.11, the issue that I am facing is with search page URL. When I click search link located in navigation menu bar I am redirected to the following URL:

journal url:

In this scenario, the search page is opened in default template(theme) not the journal ones.

I expect the page to be redirected to the following URL:

which opens the search page inside of the journal template(theme) like shown in the following image.

The main issue is with url, journal should used instead of index in the url.

Any help is much appreciated.


Hi @asmecher ,
Could you please comment on the issue.

Any comments on how to solve the issue??

Hi @asrarahmadehsan,

I’m not sure I’m seeing the behaviour you describe, but you should be able to customize the search link by going to Settings > Website > Setup > Navigation. Find the “Search” entry and edit it. You could e.g. change the type to “Remote URL”, then put any URL you like into the box that appears.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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