We’ve recently upgraded from 2.3.8 to 2.4.6 and noticed that one set of journals began throwing 404 from the sidebar search. The top menu search link page works fine. I found that we had a block.tpl.rej and that op=“search” was not in place as well as id=“simpleQuery” name=“simpleQuery”. I edited the plugins/blocks/navigation/block.tpl file to make these changes, but I seem to be stuck with some cached version of the old one, as the source in my browsers still shows
<form method="post" action="http://dev-pcsp.libraries.rutgers.edu/index.php/jrul/search/results">
instead of
<form method="post" action="http://dev-pcsp.libraries.rutgers.edu/index.php/jrul/search/search">
and the inputs are still
<input type="text" id="query" name="query" size="15" maxlength="255" value="" class="textField" />
The error is:
404 Not Found – RequestPath: /index.php/jrul/search/results
Have I done anything obviously wrong here? Could it be a cache issue? Is there a file other than block.tpl that needs updating?
Thanks in advance,
Have you tried clearing the template cache from User Home → Site Administrator?
I did try clearing the template cache, but there seemed to be be change.
Does your plugins/blocks/navigation/block.tpl now look like the current 2.4.7 base code, or do you still have local modifications?
We have very few local modifications. Here is a diff of your 2.4.7 file (~/block.tpl) and the current one we use, which prints a ToC in the sidebar for one journal.
triggs@dev1-vm1-etddev:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/journals> diff ~/block.tpl plugins/blocks/navigation/block.tpl
< <span class="blockTitle">{translate key="plugins.block.navigation.journalContent"}</span>
> {if $currentJournal && $currentJournal->getPath() == 'pcsp'}
> {if $requestedPage == "index" || $requestedPage == ""}
> <div class="block">
> {if $issue}<h3>{$issue->getIssueIdentification()|escape}</h3><h3>{translate key="issue.toc"}</h3>{/if}
> {include file="issue/issue.tpl"}
> </div>
> {/if}
> {/if}
< <form id="simpleSearchForm" action="{url page="search" op="search"}">
> <span class="blockTitle">{translate key="plugins.block.navigation.journalContent"}</span>
> <form id="simpleSearchForm" method="post" action="{url page="search" op="search"}">
Thanks for the help! I found my problem - our sys admin had copied the active OJS files to a different directory tree, so the changes I was making were not showing up… When I discovered this and changed the right block.tpl, it worked like a charm.