Search engine error

When I search for “iScientist journal McMaster” on google and yahoo I get the following: “The iScientist - McMaster Undergraduate Journal of Law and Politics”.
However, this journal is not associated with McMaster Undergraduate Journal of Law and Politics, but with
McMaster’s Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Science Journal. I get the same error from both yahoo and google, but I cannot find anything in the journal settings to link it to McMaster Undergraduate Journal of Law and Politics, which is another journal hosted by us.;_ylt=AwrE1xPLca5bglkAShjrFAx.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcyMTAwMwRfcgMyBGZyA3lmcC10BGdwcmlkA19oLnFNSDRXUWgudnVUTmVpaGo0MEEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzEEb3JpZ2luA2NhLnNlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMwBHFzdHJsAzMxBHF1ZXJ5A2lTY2llbnRpc3QlMjBqb3VybmFsJTIwTWNNYXN0ZXIEdF9zdG1wAzE1MzgxNTk0MDU-?p=iScientist+journal+McMaster&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t&fp=1

Here is a screenshot of the page source from the iScientist

Does anyone know how to fix this?


Did you check the value from Settings > Distribution > Indexing
If you have multiple locales in use, remember to click on the description field to see what is stored in other locales.

edit: sorry, my bad. It seems that your OJS Site is named “McMaster Undergraduate Journal of Law and Politics”. Check the Site level settings.

Thank you.
Yes, I did check the Settings > Distribution > Indexing. See attached.

How can you tell the site is named “McMaster Undergraduate Journal of Law and Politics”? I checked the site settings and the site name is “Student Journals @ McMaster University”.

Google needs time to update the information about your site. You can wait or index this page manually with tools which Google provides (Google Webmasters → Fetch as Google).