When i want to do search using Search option I am prompted with the following error message:
Unfortunately the OJS search service is currently offline. The technical
administrator of this journal has been informed about the problem.
Please advise what I have to do in order to make it work.
I suspect you’ve enabled the Lucene plugin but haven’t started a Lucene service. Unless you intend to run a copy of Lucene for searching/indexing, disable the Lucene plugin.
If you are running a Lucene service, this suggests that it’s currently offline.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
After indexing articles
eapiea66@serv01 [~/public_html]# /usr/local/php54/bin/php-cli tools/rebuildSearchIndex.php
Clearing index … done
Indexing “Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology” … 616 articles indexed
it works now.