Scheduling only for editors

I want to remove the “Scheduling” section from the “Editing” page of a submission for Section Editors. Can this be done in the template file e.g. the sectionEditor/submissionEditing.tpl like in the following pseudo-code:

if user is Editor
   {include file="sectionEditor/submission/scheduling.tpl"}
end if

Or has this to be done somewhere in the pages/sectionEditor php files?

Background: In a journal with a continuous publication model we have submissions in the copyediting stage that are not yet ready for publication even though the relevant issue is already published. So when sections editors assign this submissions to its intended (current) issue they accidently publish this submission - which we want to prevent by just allowing Editors not Sectioneditors to schedule submissions for an issue. (Unfortunately the journal in question still uses OJS 2.3.8.)


Hi @aguen,

There’s an existing variable exposed to the templates – $isEditor – that you can use for this purpose. In Smarty syntax, that would be…

{if $isEditor}
  {include file="sectionEditor/submission/scheduling.tpl"}

Note that this just hides the presentation of the form, not the code that processes it once it’s submitted; a section editor who was technically-minded could still potentially find out a way to post the form, though that’s very unlikely.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you Alec, exactly what I needed. (As I just want to prevent section editors form publishing an article by accident the scenario of purposefully bypassing this cautionary measure by a technically-minded user is no problem here.)
