Dear @asmecher
We have upgraded our journals to OJS 3.1.2, article Schedule for publication is unable to save, it was loading for ever and never saved.
Here is error log with few other issues.
[24-Apr-2019 23:54:15 UTC] PHP Warning: Declaration of AddThisPlugin::register($category, $path) should be compatible with LazyLoadPlugin::register($category, $path, $mainContextId = NULL) in /home/psmpu6586/ on line 0
[24-Apr-2019 23:54:15 UTC] PHP Warning: Declaration of CustomBlockPlugin::getBlockContext() should be compatible with BlockPlugin::getBlockContext($contextId = NULL) in /home/psmpu6586/ on line 0
[24-Apr-2019 23:54:15 UTC] PHP Warning: Declaration of DRIVERDAO::setOAI(&$oai) should be compatible with PKPOAIDAO::setOAI($oai) in /home/psmpu6586/ on line 19
[24-Apr-2019 23:54:15 UTC] PHP Warning: Declaration of OpenAIREDAO::setOAI(&$oai) should be compatible with PKPOAIDAO::setOAI($oai) in /home/psmpu6586/ on line 0
[24-Apr-2019 23:54:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ADODB_Cache_File has a deprecated constructor in /home/psmpu6586/ on line 263
[24-Apr-2019 23:54:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ADOConnection has a deprecated constructor in /home/psmpu6586/ on line 359
[24-Apr-2019 23:54:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ADORecordSet has a deprecated constructor in /home/psmpu6586/ on line 2921
[24-Apr-2019 23:54:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ADORecordSet_array has a deprecated constructor in /home/psmpu6586/ on line 3939
[24-Apr-2019 23:54:17 UTC] PHP Deprecated: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in /home/psmpu6586/ on line 1003
Kindest regards,