After last update to OJS 2.4.6, every single email notification is sent with the main contact name in sender field, although each member of editorial team have a different email acount and name in their profiles.
This is a change we made to better conform to SPF (Sender Policy Framework) rules, which are becoming commonplace in email servers. I’d suggest searching this forum for more information.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We have the same issue in our journal (v 2.4.6). There is a editorial team which should receive reviewer’s response to email notifications. However as the email notifications are automatically sent from Principal Contact (Journal Manager in out case), reviewers reply to JM instead of editors. Is there any way to change this?
the last change you added does fix one thing, since before that was in there we were setting completely empty reply-to headers which was a bad thing.
The issue with the review_remind_auto task is that they are sent from the journal in general, not from the editor. Since there is no one logged in when they go out (they are an automated task) OJS uses the contact for the journal.
Thanks for your reply. The problem is that reviewers (anyone as habit) respond to the senders of the email. I suppose the sender should be set to something like DO_NOT_REPLY_TO_THIS_EMAIL in order to reduce the confusion. Can I request this as a feature?
I think I read somewhere that it is going to be implemented in v 3.0. If so would you please send me links to any code regarding this if available?
I think there should be a better way of selecting a reasonable editorial sender for this type of email, but haven’t put much time into the problem beyond the advice in the above thread.