Describe the issue or problem
right click on tinymce space is not working correctly
Steps I took leading up to the issue
- Go to journal>masthead>journal summary or about the journal or go to abstract page
- right click on the space and it will produce a link to insert.
- ojs 3.3 doesnt effect this only 3.4
- See error
What application are you using?
OJS 3.4.0-7
Additional information
i test this on ojs own demo site. on the 3.3 demo, it is working correctly. right click is working.
on the demo, right click produce a link to insert url. is this intended or is this a bug?
Hi @mohd_arshad,
Thanks for your post. I wasn’t able to replicate your error though - but I am using a different environment perhaps (Mac, Brave Browser), but my equivalent of right-click didn’t produce this same behavior - would you mind noting your browser/operating system as well, so we can test this further?
PKP Team
Im using chrome on windows 10.
Hi @mohd_arshad!
If you hold “Ctrl” while clicking, the default context menu should be displayed.
The behavior was really changed for me, so I think it’s worth to file a minor bug issue.
yes… you can just use ctrl+c and ctrl+v, but its the small thing that the user really like to complain. its a minor bug it is… they prefer right click and paste…
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