I am sorry for the, probably, very simple question but after struggling a few hours with the code I was not able to understand how can I change the journal logo size. OJS is resizing it too much and now the logo seems awkward, too small.
Can anyone point out the right direction. It would be nice to resize but I would like to control it. Which file should work on? I believe it should be in the css but I jus cant find it.
If someone can answer in te next 6 hours it would be great. We are in a tight schedule because the previous logo was looking fine but now my bossa told that for this one we shoudl use our new logo and now thats the result: https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/orientisaura/index
We are launching it tomorrow morning (China time btw)
Are you familiar with CSS? Creating borders around the Information block would involve declarations such as .block_information .content ul li { border: 1px solid; } Custom CSS should be able to cover what you describe.
Yes sure I can. However I just did minor modifications in CSS, but in some tpl files we did change a bit. For example to include the abstract in the homepage and justify it.
For the remaining modifications kindly tell me if you want me to tell you which files and code lines we changed?
Actually, it would be great if we could manage this changes through an option checker in ADMIN. Like which fields to include in each page. Not sure yet if I should make a feature request.
If you can get help from someone who is good with CSS, you may be able to restyle the .navbar-header > h1 to look like your logo without resorting to using an image for your logo. This is generally considered to be superior to using non-scalable images.