Revision forms attached to the email are not seen?

  • Application Version: OJS 3.1.2

  • Description of issue: I am attaching the reviewers’ reviews to the emails and yet the only thing you see at the end of the email sent to the authors (in addition to the default writing) is the reviewer’s decision. Can a review form really be attached to the end of the email sent to the authors as in OJS 2?

Here is the form completed by the reviewer:

And… here is the mail of “Request Revisions” send to the author with the revision attached:

Hi @didoemilio,

only the fields on the review form that are marked as visible to authors should be attached. Can you verify if that is a problem?

Regards, Primož

The problem is that I can’t verify if the fields of the review form were marked as visible or not because I can’t edit the forms.

Is there any way to verify these settings made on already active forms? I don’t mean to edit them, just verify these issues…


The “Included in message to author” button must be active so that the author can see it in the revision request email when attaching the form?

Hi @didoemilio,

Yes that is it.

Regards, Primož