Hello, in 3.2.0 in an instance which has not been used for production yet, which was updated from, I have run into problems with when reviewers (who do have the review permission, and I also tried adding the submission role) have reached the step 3 “download and review” .
I get two Javascript popups as the area with the file downloads populates.
You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow. [https://domain/index.php/journal/$$$call$$$/grid/queries/queries-grid/fetch-grid?submissionId=1&stageId=3&_=1584566513393]
After I dismiss these, the downloads of the review assets are permitted.
Then on Step 4 when i submit the review (for example as “accepted”) it says review submitted and this error:
You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow. [https://domain/index.php/journal/$$$call$$$/grid/queries/queries-grid/fetch-grid?submissionId=1&stageId=3&_=1584567639240]
then it says undefined in a dropdown again.
then there is a loading circle that keeps circling.
I’m thinking that I will probably reinstall from scratch and hope that the issue is some quirk of the upgrade process. Researching previous topics it seems like usually this is a result of mangled permissions but I don’t think I changed any of them from the defaults. It seems to me this is a Javascript/Vue driven error since the PHP side does not seem to have issues.
We experienced this with Chrome and Firefox in the same fashion. I examined the Web inspector Console and did not see any helpful messages and the Network tab did not seem to give me anything useful on the payloads. I have also checked the PHP logs with no luck to this point.
I can reliably reproduce this by attempting reviews - if it is helpful can provide other data or dumps from this.
Thanks and best regards,