Reviewer: "You don't currently have access to that stage of the workflow" ( OJS )

Hello, in 3.2.0 in an instance which has not been used for production yet, which was updated from, I have run into problems with when reviewers (who do have the review permission, and I also tried adding the submission role) have reached the step 3 “download and review” .


I get two Javascript popups as the area with the file downloads populates.

You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow. [https://domain/index.php/journal/$$$call$$$/grid/queries/queries-grid/fetch-grid?submissionId=1&stageId=3&_=1584566513393]


After I dismiss these, the downloads of the review assets are permitted.

Then on Step 4 when i submit the review (for example as “accepted”) it says review submitted and this error:


You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow. [https://domain/index.php/journal/$$$call$$$/grid/queries/queries-grid/fetch-grid?submissionId=1&stageId=3&_=1584567639240]

then it says undefined in a dropdown again.
then there is a loading circle that keeps circling.

I’m thinking that I will probably reinstall from scratch and hope that the issue is some quirk of the upgrade process. Researching previous topics it seems like usually this is a result of mangled permissions but I don’t think I changed any of them from the defaults. It seems to me this is a Javascript/Vue driven error since the PHP side does not seem to have issues.

We experienced this with Chrome and Firefox in the same fashion. I examined the Web inspector Console and did not see any helpful messages and the Network tab did not seem to give me anything useful on the payloads. I have also checked the PHP logs with no luck to this point.

I can reliably reproduce this by attempting reviews - if it is helpful can provide other data or dumps from this.

Thanks and best regards,

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Hi @HongPong,

It looks like you’re using access keys to permit reviewers to access the system without logging in, but if you’re testing the upgrade, I suspect you’re probably already logged in e.g. as an editor. To test reviewer emails with access keys, make sure you’re logged out of your editorial account before clicking the review link.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Good afternoon @HongPong,

I have the same problem when upgrading from version 3.1.2-1 to 3.2.0-1, were you able to solve the problem?

Best regards,
Eduardo Santos

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We have this same issue. Any resolution from anyone?

We have this same issue. Any resolution from anyone? (2)

Hi all,

I have not had any luck so far. Alec, I used private browser windows so i did not think that sessions getting mixed together would be the issue (unless sessions are keyed to IP addresses specifically).
Will report again here if I can trace further - I’m not sure where exactly to look that might be the source of this. It was distinctly happening in the Javascript side that much is clear.

Best regards,

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We have this same issue. Any resolution from anyone? (3)

@asmecher I’m experiencing the same problem with reviews on my OJS (fresh install) with Javascript popups “You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow.” and “Undefined”. Clicking them away (ignoring them) the review process works. Reviews are submitted. But I get the error popup at every stage of the process. Any thoughts on this matter?

Report based on user feedback. Can’t test by myself, so it might be inacurate:
-Registered users are prompted by popups when using links, no matter they’re logged in or not.
-Registered users are able to submit their review by loggin in to the system and follow the workflow (without clicking the link).

Same issue with my journal, the reviewers see this notification

@asmecher wondering if there is any fix being developed for this as it seems to be a growing issue for folks? Thanks!

Hi all,

Can you confirm whether you’re using one-click reviewer access? You can check this in setup, or see whether the emails requesting reviewers to perform an action contain URLs that have a key variable, e.g.: key=E5EEBXSG.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

In my case, I got this error accessing: 1) by “Login as user”; and 2) by Login and access the paper.

@asmecher thanks for getting back so quickly. I just checked and it appears to be off image

I had the one-click reviewer access turned off too. I then turned it on but it didn’t make any difference. Still had the popups. Even when choosing not to send the e-mail to the reviewer to notify him.

@asmecher I’d be very happy to give you access to our OJS installation (we’re still just testing) for you to see the issue firsthand. Maybe you can see the e-mail address I used to signup here? or any other way?

Hi @alaskadream,

A database dump and quick, specific steps to reproduce the issue would be helpful, if that’s possible; please PM me with details if you’re able.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi all,

Hi @alaskadream,

I think the issue should be fixed by this commit (in the lib/pkp submodule): Fix discussions grid for reviewers · pkp/pkp-lib@2e45bd4 · GitHub

The fix is already included in OJS 3.2.0-2, so I’d recommend upgrading.

Confirmation would be welcome!

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Dear Alec,

thank you very much! I performed the change in the link you provided and it did fix the problem. Also I had an installation of OJS 3.2.0-2 under another domain which I hadn’t tried yet and I can now confirm that the issue is solved in OJS 3.2.0-2.

Thank you very much for your support!


Waiting on our users to confirm but it does seem to resolved with the update. Thanks!