This was reported to me (by one of our MulPress journal editors)
Related to reviewers/reviewing (OJS 3.3.7) and general workflow
Does this sound like anything anyone here has run into?
"Basically, even if a paper is moved to “Review” (by editor-in-chief), on the first page I see when I receive a new paper, the pdf does not move to the new page, from which reviewers are selected and invited. So, when they accept the invitation to review, they cannot find the pdf. They then write to me, and I send it as an attachment by downloading the pdf from the initial page. "
Hi @PKP_Tam
I get the impression that this is an issue with the use of OJS, and not a error in OJS.
- At the Submission stage, the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) will find the original version of the manuscript, right? This can be the version to share with the reviewers, or the EiC will have to create the anonymous version (if the journal works under the blind peer review scheme):
- When the EiC goes to the Review stage, it should indicate which file will be sent to the reviewers. In this window you can upload the anonymous version, as the example I send you here (be careful with the selected checkbox).:
- With the above, now the EiC will be able to share the anonymous version of the manuscript to each reviewer.
- Finally, the EiC should send the invitation to the reviewer and DO NOT forget to select the desired file.
You can find more information in the official PKP documentation,
I hope you find this information useful.
Thank you very much for the detailed (and quick) response, Pedro!
I forwarded your comments to the JHAP editor-in-chief.
-Tamara (MULPress)