The Reviewer Status in my OJS does not seem to be updating automatically when a Reviewer indicates Able to Review. Instead it defaults after the response deadline into Overdue. However, in the Review History and Review Details, it indicates that the Reviewer Confirmed. This has been causing some confusion where Email Reminders are being sent to authors that have already confirmed. Is there a setting that needs to be changed for this?
I am using version 3.0.1
You could take a look into this GitHub Issue: [OJS] OJS3.0.2. showing "Review Due" even when the review assignment is not accepted · Issue #2323 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
There is a solution for OJS 3.0.2 there – maybe this can help you too – and it will be (differently) solved in the coming 3.1 release…
I’ll look into this. Thanks!