I’m using OJS 3.0.2.
The problem is as follows in the screen:

It is not possible to add a file to discussion with any role in review stage. I’ve checked and in Copyediting or Production the menu for uploading a file in discussion appears and the upload is successful.
What could be the problem? It is the same classes, same functions, and i don’t see why it breaks in Review stage.
Thank you,
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
Check your PHP error log for details.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thank you for replying.
Sorry for not displaying the log, i was going to include it but my mistake.
PHP Warning: assert(): Assertion failed in /var/www/html/lib/pkp/controllers/wizard/fileUpload/form/PKPSubmissionFilesUploadBaseForm.inc.php on line 138, referer: …/workflow/index/4254/3
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/lib/pkp/controllers/wizard/fileUpload/form/PKPSubmissionFilesUploadBaseForm.inc.php on line 210, referer:…/workflow/index/4254/3
This is the ouput.
Best regards
what could be the issue here? Any idea?
Thank you for your time,
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
Try applying this patch to your installation in the lib/pkp
subdirectory. I’m not sure it’ll resolve the issue, but it should at least resolve the warning messages you were getting in your log.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher,
Thank you for your help.
I’m not using git with ojs, the upgrade to 3.0.2 was made by the the full package method, so i made the patch changes manually in the files and the problem is solved. It is now possible to add files in comments in Review stage and the log errors are also gone.
Thank you again,
Best regards