I have a complain from one journal of our system
They setup the review request but they haven’t received the review yet, the journal administrator has noticed that the email remind hasn’t been sent for this problem,
I wonder if the reminder is sent automatically by a cronJob of there is any option that allow the Administrator to send a remind email one we are next to the deadline.
I also checked the code and I have seen that there is a class called “ReviewReminder”, however the class is not called by any method, so I believe that this class is never used.
Can you please tell me how can I setup a Review remind system and how can the remind system works on OJS, what are the table involved?
thanks in advance for your help.
Hi @marcello8080,
OJS 2.3.1-2 is extremely old – almost 8 years since its release – so before debugging this at all I’d strongly suggest upgrading to a more recent release.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’m aware that our OJS system is old, but the system has been strongly modified by me and by the previous developers, So I cannot update the system without losing any changes made.
What I need to know is how the system manage the review reminder, if it does that automatically or I need to setup a cron job to do it.
What are the pages involved and the tables involved?
Hi @marcello8080,
The reminders need to be triggered by a cron job – see docs/README
for information on this.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Can someone please provide an example of cron job on OJS in order to setup a reminder for the expiring review?
Hi @marcello8080,
There’s an example in docs/README
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
thanks for your advice.
So I setup the cron job for everyday and midnight as following:
0 0 * * * php /data/app/ojs/tools/runScheduledTasks.php
I expect to receive an reminder email tomorrow then, I also checked the config.ini file and it seems ok, “scheduled_tasks = on
I also have seen that there is a table in the database that stores the date-time when the tasks has been ran the last time, which is “scheduled_tasks”, can you confirm that the table is automatically updated when the cron is run?
This is what I see on the table:
"tasks.ReviewReminder" "2014-12-14 00:20:12"
I will keep you update about this, eventually it will be useful in the future.