We have installed OJS on the following domain Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva
For now, we have several issues, and we (editorial board) would like to ask you for help.
1. Missing icons for PDF, Close (X), and for Search
I have checked the forum, and saw that this was already a problem. But, this is happening to us across all most popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Explorer). Can someone help us? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7Fw-HZyQjvMeDVWUU50MGZvdjQ
2. Reviewer overdue
What happens to us, we have sent a call to reviewer via OJS platform and e-mail, he had system date for Response due e.g. 03.09.2017. Unfortunately, reviewer accepted to review via OJS platform but the date was 04.09.2017. So, even the reviewer has accepted, status still was “Overdue”, so I had manually to change Response due date to one day after reviewer acceptance and I have refreshed the browser, and everything was fine. Did anyone had the similar issue? Can you fix this, so that status can be changed automatically even if reviewer accept to review after Response due date?
3. Review notification for Journal editor
Journal editor has complied to me that she didn’t receive any notification that review was sumbited, nor via OJS platform as task notification, nor via e-mail. So, she has manually to check each active submission and to check visually has reviewer submitted any review. This is very frustrating, but I could check this problem for now. Didi anyone had simmilar issue?
Thank you in advance for answers/help/links provided
You should clear you OJS cache. The CSS files still have your test url (@font-face{font-family: 'FontAwesome';src: url('//testojs.rgf.bg.ac.rs/lib/pkp/fonts/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.3.0')
1. After changing the test URL and clearing caches on OJS and browsers, now all icons are visible! 2. Yes, it sounds exactly like this! Can you please give me instructions how to apply (or download etc…) the patch, so I can send it to web administrator on my Faculty? I think that he has downloaded the OJS version from the PKP home site. 3. Yes, when all reviews are submitted than journal editor and section editor receive notifications. But, we had a situation where e.g. we couldn’t find easily two reviewers, so we have sent invitations to 4 reviewers, and after two revisions submitted we didn’t receive notifications, so we thought that is a bug. So, maybe it would be nice to have a notification for each revision submitted or at least to have such option (notify me when 1/2/3… revision are submitted)?
Thanks again!
I think I have seen this discussed somwhere, but you could do a post about it to the feature requests section here. I guess this is something that will divide opinions.
Thanks for answers, but now we have the new serious issue! After fixing the icons bug, when anyone tries to create new article submission - thepage is BLANK! The Same thing happens with one paper that was already submitted, but without reviewer assigned? We cannot make new submission anymore!
Also, I cannot access to workflow > setting anymore, I always got error This page isn’t working
gabp.rgf.bg.ac.rs is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500
Hello, i think its wrong to send the reviewers completion notification with the address of the last Reviewer. and i agree that normaly a lot of reviewers are invited and the first two revieweres win the race. That is the time that the editor need a notification