Hello, When I tried to create review form in OJS 2.4.8 I noticed that longer titles of review form items do not appear and that instead of them appear three dots. However, there is larger blank space between review form items than usual. That larger space between review form items occupies space like longer text that describe review form items. Please see attach. Thanks
Hi @vvucic,
Can you include a screenshot of the truncation problem? Have you made any modifications to your installation?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I did not make any change to installation. As you see instead of text there is only asterisk noting that completion is required.
How can I help you to diagnose issue?
Hi @vvucic,
Your first post mentioned three dots ("…") – I don’t see that in the screenshot.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Three dots were seen in the screen that lists review form items, not in preview mode of review form. I experimented a bit and came to the following conclusion:
- When the simple tasks are required the current system is perfect.
- If we have situation that editor asks reviewer to check more complex things such as compliance with instrumental methods, compliance with some standards or other more complex task/questions than we are posed with the following dilemmas:
a) Create more complex introduction to reviewers in introductory part of the review form and/or link it to the document in which all details including complex requests are described
b) Create review form that can have the following principle applied: create title of the task, create the text box with content of complex task, create evaluation/grading marks with radio buttons, check box etc.
Currently, if we create task/question for reviewer in the review form and in the first line put longer title and below criteria than outcome will be that in teh review form there will not be that text and instead there will be blank space. In the screen in which tasks/questions are listed instead of title there will be three dots only.
I guess that there should be mechanism which ensures that at least first line should be visible when listing of tasks/questions is concerned and that all text should be visible when reviewer sees the complete form.
I solved my issue in the following way:
- Created question/task for reviewer in which I asked him/her to check radio button whether article is good enough to be published without changes, with small changes or cannot be published. The separate task/question is created with text box in which reviewer must explain his/her decision/opinion.
Please let me know if I can be helpful in any way.
Hi @vvucic,
See also this related pull request; it adds the ability to define information-only “questions”, which would permit more control over how the forms are presented when more text is required.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks, Yes, that pull request is close to what I think. However, there should be mechanism that shows at least first 40 characters of line instead of not presenting them in review form or presenting them as three dots in the list of review form items.
Thanks a lot
Hi @vvucic,
OJS uses a “truncate” function that shortens long text using an ellipsis (…). When it’s truncating text that contains HTML elements. If your question starts with an HTML element but the contents of that element are greater than the number of characters that OJS limits its presentation to, then OJS will truncate at the start of the element.
This behavior should change with OJS 3.0, but in the meantime it’s a known quirk. One work-around is to make sure your content begins with a short piece of text that’s not inside an HTML element.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team