We’ve been up and running for a short time, and for the first time are using all the automated review processes. The first of the reviewers has alerted me to the fact that she cannot edit the review template I had loaded when setting up the journal. I have tested this myself and have also found I cannot edit the document. I have included screen shots. From the reviewer page, selecting ‘Select Review Form’; then ‘Preview’ (the only live option); which then takes the reviewer to ‘Preview Form’. Appreciate any help.
Hi @lbenade,
I am not sure if that’s what you meant, but review forms should be created and edited by the journal manager only. Other users can then use them but as they are. They can’t decide which fields to include, for example.
Hi Bruno
Yes, I did create the form as journal manager. It’s uneditable, however.
Dr Leon W Benade
Senior Lecturer
Director of Research
School of Education
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
T: + 64 9 921 9999 ext: 7931
M: + 64 27 433 8330
Twitter: @lwbenade
Skype: leon.benade
Teachers’ Critical Reflective Practice in the Context of Twenty-first Century Learninghttp://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/23265507.2014.998159
Hi @lbenade,
Has the form already been assigned to a review? Once a form is used by your journal’s workflow, it can’t be edited because that would change the record for existing reviews using that form. I’d suggest copying the form to create a new, updated version.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
When setting up, I selected ‘Standard Review Process’. Under Review Guidelines, I selected ‘Review Forms’, and there I did a copy and paste of the form I had in a Word document.
As a trial, I then choose myself as a reviewer. I log on as a reviewer and am taken to #7 Review. There is ‘Review Steps’. No. 4: Click on icon to fill in the review form. There I click on the link to Review Form. This takes me to the form I mentioned above. However, I cannot work in this document – it is not possible to add my comments to the form.
So what have I done wrong?
Thanks for the support
Dr Leon W Benade
Senior Lecturer
Director of Research
School of Education
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
T: + 64 9 921 9999 ext: 7931
M: + 64 27 433 8330
Twitter: @lwbenade
Skype: leon.benade
Teachers’ Critical Reflective Practice in the Context of Twenty-first Century Learninghttp://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/23265507.2014.998159
Hi @lbenade,
Hmm, I’m not sure what you mean about pasting the form from a Word document. Have you created the inputs there somehow? The way this is supposed to work is that you create elements for the review form using the tools in OJS; it’s not possible to paste controls from somewhere else.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team