I accidentally updated OJS from 3.0.2 to 3.1 and it stopped in the middle. Is there anyway to revert database to 3.0.2 version.
Front end of OJS is working fine but I cannot see data on admin panel
I accidentally updated OJS from 3.0.2 to 3.1 and it stopped in the middle. Is there anyway to revert database to 3.0.2 version.
Front end of OJS is working fine but I cannot see data on admin panel
Hi @Taz,
When an update fails, the database and files directory will be left in an indeterminate state somewhere between the 2 versions of OJS, so you’ll need to restore from the backup you made of your files and database before starting the update, then run the update again.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Just looking at the database can I tell
Which table stores reviewers?
Hi @Taz,
You should restore your entire OJS site to the backup that you made of your site in 3.0.2 before updating to 3.1. Then try running the update to 3.1 again and let it finish completely.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
I forgot to backup That is the problem.
Hmm, that is unfortunate. Is it possible that your web host has a backup copy of the site or you have an older backup copy, if regular backups were being performed?
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
a week old backup was available that i have restored. I can see the information in database that got corrupted and i am trying to manually try to all weeks tasks again.
Hi @Taz,
That’s good to hear. I hope it goes well.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team