I have 6 journails and all of them have their base_url. When i try to access the admin panel of a journal, all the api calls are failing because of the rewriting is not working.
I know that because when i put myself the index.php the api call work.
This set of rules requires Apache 2.2 or earlier (may be ok, depending on your server) and seems to be a mix of restful URLs and hiding the journal shortname, (doesn’t seem to be ok, based on your examples).
Please read through these commented sample rewrites, which may help to give a better understanding of what each line is doing:
Note that the config.inc.php option restful_urls represents removing “index.php” from the URL.
Note that removing the journal shortname from the URL may get extremely complicated in an .htaccess file. It doesn’t look from your sample URL that you are trying to do this, but your rewrite rule looks like it is.
My journals have to have diferent urls such as http://www.tuningjournal.org/. So i need to convert this to SERVER_NAME/index.php/tuningjournal/ and for this reason i have this rules in the .htaccess. But the api calls are not re-write correctly because the index.php is missing but only in the api calls:
I am not sure if i am expleaning myself properly because of my english level.
Another thing…i am not understang why i need to do that because if i put in the config file de base_url options the core of the aplication have to understand that http://www.tuningjournal.org/ is SERVER_NAME/index.php/tuningjournal/ . Is this funtionality working in any instalation?
The sample code adds a QSA flag to the RewriteRule, but this shouldn’t have a positive or negative effect in your case.
On an outside chance, I would also add DirectoryIndex index.php index.html to ensure PATH_INFO isn’t being given the wrong filename internally.
None of the above in my mind is a certain fix for what you are seeing. I think your next step would be to turn on tracing with mod_rewrite to try to identify the issue.