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Put it in
base_url[algorithms-for-data-scientists] = https://daence.com/journals/algorithms-for-data-scientists/1
Your path is not correct, missed index.php in link
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are you sure your rewrite engine is turned on?
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Have you tried the url’s without backslashes?
In config:
base_url[index] = https://daence.com/journals
base_url[algorithms-for-data-scientists] = https://daence.com/journals/algorithms-for-data-scientists
In your htaccess, do you have:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
Edit, also, you could try the settings suggested in documentation
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“Of course I tried all the simple ideas above. Why wouldn’t I try them first before waiting for days for no help!”
All the posts and the last reply above were written during the same day, so it would be impossible for us to know what you have tried and what you have not.
In many cases people ask questions here and after they get a solution, they never write back to confirm that the solution has worked. For me, and probably for most of the readers at this forum, the thread above looked just like that.
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Hi there,
For what it’s worth, it may not be wise to go down this path to remove index.php, even if you don’t like the look of it.
For one, rewriting is tricky and messy, and it’ll mean that you will have to support that rewrite going forward, eg. to other servers, hosting environments, and so on. If you don’t have the ability to understand apply rewrites now with all the information provided on the forum and on the web, you’ll almost guaranteed run into problems down the line when you have to remember what you did, how you got your own particular environment working, etc. And all environments work differently.
For two, and this is a weird one: Google Scholar uses* the existence of the “index.php” to identify whether something is OJS and thus whether something like “…/index.php/journal/article/view/…” is a scholarly article or not. It’s insane that they use URL patterns as a method to determine scholarly content, especially given that we provide full GS metadata AND dublin core in the HTML header, but regardless, that’s part of what they do. Removing index.php could increase the amount of time it takes for your content to be indexed in GS.
- “uses”, as of a year or so ago. No idea if they still do this. We told them not to. GS is a black box sometimes.
Hi, I am using the latest version of OJS Setting restful_url = on breaks the theme and the display is lacking any style I mean the theme loses its style. While checking the error log, the following error found.
[09-Aug-2020 07:52:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VALIDATE_ACTION_EDIT - assumed ‘VALIDATE_ACTION_EDIT’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /journals/lib/pkp/classes/validation/ValidatorFactory.inc.php on line 292
[09-Aug-2020 07:52:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VALIDATE_ACTION_ADD - assumed ‘VALIDATE_ACTION_ADD’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /journals/lib/pkp/classes/validation/ValidatorFactory.inc.php on line 276
[09-Aug-2020 07:52:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VALIDATE_ACTION_ADD - assumed ‘VALIDATE_ACTION_ADD’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /journals/lib/pkp/classes/validation/ValidatorFactory.inc.php on line 291
[09-Aug-2020 07:52:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VALIDATE_ACTION_EDIT - assumed ‘VALIDATE_ACTION_EDIT’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /journals/lib/pkp/classes/validation/ValidatorFactory.inc.php on line 292
Hi @esciencepress,
You can resolve those warnings by applying this change:
However, the warnings are cosmetic and shouldn’t cause problems. I’d suggest checking your browser’s network console (in the web developer tools) to see whether it’s able to fetch the .css for your theme/journal.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team