REST API Integration between OJS/OMP and WordPress - Experiences and Recommendations?

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a project that involves integrating the OJS and OMP systems with a WordPress website. The goal is to extract metadata and publication content from OJS and OMP and display them on our WordPress site.

I’m wondering if anyone in the community has had experience with this integration via the REST API. If so:

  1. What were the main challenges you faced during the integration?
  2. Are there specific plugins or tools you would recommend to facilitate this process?
  3. Are there any security or performance considerations we should keep in mind when doing this integration?
  4. Would you have any sample code or resources you could share to assist in our implementation?

I appreciate in advance any insights or recommendations you can offer. Your experience will be invaluable in helping us navigate this project.

Best regards,

Bruno Marcelino

Hi @Scientia_Internation,

There are a few third parties that might be able to comment – I’m thinking in particular of @Dulip_Withanage and @UP_PFord. But their experience (if I remember correctly) is grafting an external front end onto the software before a workable API was available, and the API has come a long way since then.

I will say that you’ll definitely need to add a caching layer when using the API to feed a separate front end; an intermediary layer will probably work well for it.

Hoping others can jump in with more details!

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

H @Scientia_Internation

Sorry for coming late to this, I was away for a while. As Alec mentioned, I haven’t done concrete implementation only with API for OJS/OMP, but I will answer some possible aspects for your questions.

One general point

  • WordPress does not have the facitliy to support all the metadata fields, which OJS provide, so you may need to extend Wordpress and on the other side, OJS may not have all the metadata fields available in REST (still development or not yet planned)
  1. What were the main challenges you faced during the integration?
  • keep the WordPress updated using the API. (either pull or push)
  • DOI redirection
  • Getting correct statistics
  1. Are there specific plugins or tools you would recommend to facilitate this process?
  • A good PHP Rest-library to consume the Request would do.
  • The API can be enhanced using the plugins, but I do not have a concrete example there.
  1. Are there any security or performance considerations we should keep in mind when doing this integration?
  • OJS need an API-ley with Journal management level to access the rest-api, which may be a securtiy consideration.
  1. Would you have any sample code or resources you could share to assist in our implementation?
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