How do I resend a peer review request through ojs 3? OJS 2 had the option to resend the request and I do not see that in OJS 3. Can someone tell me if this is possible?
How do I resend a peer review request through ojs 3? OJS 2 had the option to resend the request and I do not see that in OJS 3. Can someone tell me if this is possible?
Hi @Refuge,
Could you please confirm which version you’re using? Whether you’re looking to resend the request in the same round of review or a new one?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Hi Patricia,
We are using OJS 3 but I don’t know what version and I don’t know where to find that information. Can you tell me how to find system information?
This link says that there should be a System Information link somewhere but I don’t see any link under settings.
I am looking to resend a peer review request in the same round of revisions. The peer reviewer lost the link and I just want to resend it to them. You could do that easily in OJS 2 but I don’t see that anywhere here.
Hi @Refuge,
You can find this information either through the Administration > Site Asministration> System Information
If you do not have access to this, you can go to your home page right click > view page source. This will open a page of code and near the top you’ll see
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Thanks. I don’t have access to that because we are hosted out of a common university platform.
Is there another indicator I can look at?
Hi @Refuge,
Is this the link for the journal homepage
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Hi Patricia,
Yes, that’s it.
I don’t believe there is a direct way to resend them as with OJS 2. To resend the request, you would need to look at the Editorial History of the manuscript.You will need to search for the reviewer request in this history then click view email.
You can then copy the body text of the previous email. Return to the main navigation menu and select the reviewer you would like to resent an email to by clicking ‘Email Reviewer’
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Hi Patricia,
Great! I’ve gone into the system and that seems to work. Thank you very much.
While we’re here can you tell me about setting deadlines (dates) for article revisions (after peer review) in the OJS 3 system? I’d like to be able to set up revision dates and automatic reminders in the system if possible. There must be a way.
Hi @Refuge,
I don’t believe that there is a system option for such reminder. The only reminder options would be for the reviewers in the workflow setting.
I would suggest modifying the decision email template to include the suggested timeline for resubmission.
A reminder feature has already been suggested by other journal users and progress on this can be seen here [OJS] Revision reminders · Issue #2687 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
I have the same problem: a reviewer had their email wrong, so they didn’t get the request. Now I need to resend the same review to the same user/reviewer, but I can’t do it. I’m a General Editor in a multijournal platform and the administrator is not very accessible so I was wondering if I could solve the problem on my own, but the only history I have access to is this:
Hi @adrymendes,
What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team