Hi! I am using OJS I have publish an article, the article file is not showing on the home page . Only abstract is showing,
I saw to other user, it is coming and user can be downloaded. below I attached the screenshot
Hi! I am using OJS I have publish an article, the article file is not showing on the home page . Only abstract is showing,
Hi! Thank you for your support. We check all you mention, how ever we are deploying, first time. We can not understand from where the problem is comming.
Hi @Abhiek,
Do you have the galley files uploaded properly: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/learning-ojs/3.3/en/production-publication#prepare-and-add-galley-files - that’s the most common reason for the links to the articles not appearing.
PKP Team
Yes, I uploaded galley file, on published page only galley file is showing, but research article , which is submitted by author is not showing, galley file is suplimentary file . We need to show the research file on published page. I attached screenshot for your reference.
Hi @Abhiek,
I’m not sure I understand you entirely, but whatever files that you are intending to show publicly, both need to be published as a galley. If you are intending for the research article to be shown publicly, then it also has to be published as a galley.
PKP Team