REquested revision upload by authors

We have been receiving the following message when an author tries to upload a revised article.

You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow. [$$$call$$$/grid/files/attachment/author-review-attachments-grid/fetch-grid?submissionId=45&stageId=3&reviewRoundId=11&_=1667182260351]

Steps I took leading up to the issue

  1. Go to a review dashboard then press
  2. Click on ’ request revision button’
  3. Go to the author dashboard
  4. See error and the user cannot upload any revised file.

What application are you using?

Additional information
Please add any screenshots, logs or other information we can use to investigate this problem.

Can you check the author’s access/roles settings?
Like below or not?

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Thank you. The setting was different. Previously, author was only allowed to submit. Now after changing this settings, it has been fixed!
Is this setting okay? Will that make any problem in the workflow?


This is ok…
It doesn’t cause any problems.

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