Reply-to adress when using the 'Email Reviewer' button is not specific to the user sending the mail

Hello everyone,

We’ve noticed this problem:

Describe the issue or problem
When someone uses the ‘Email Reviewer’ button, the mail that is send comes from ‘admin’ rather than the user. The reply-to address is, similarly, the admin-mail adress rather than something journal- or user-specific.

Is this a general issue, or could this be something in our settings or configuration somewhere? We couldn’t find anything recent on the issue.

In the activity log, the action has no user associated with it either:

Steps I took leading up to the issue

  1. Added a reviewer
  2. Used ‘Email Reviewer’-button to mail the reviewer.

What application are you using?
OJS, with a multi-journal installation.

Additional information
Here are some screenshots:
The button used to send the mail:

The mail we got:

The reply to address:

Hi @KayWP,

According to the code it shouldn’t happen by default. In the email section of the config file, is force_dmarc_compliant_from turned on?

Thank you for your response Vitaliy! I’ll have it checked.

The option is on. Should it not be? Or tweaked somehow?

Hi @KayWP,

Sorry for the late reply. Do you need additional help regarding this issue?

No worries! We were wondering if the option should perhaps not be on, or tweaked somehow.

Turning on DMARC compliant features solely depends on your preferences. Here’s a link to the discussion regarding configuration: OJS 3.1.1 and DMARC? - #2 by ctgraham

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