I’m interesting to move the user login from the left bar to the header on the right side.
I didn’t find the way how to replace it.
You would need familiarity with PHP / Smarty to make this change. Do you have that experience?
The OJS header just calls the common library header from lib/pkp:
So, you could insert the relevant code there:
You would then need to duplicate the logic from the user login block:
Thank you for your answer.
I know a few in PHP but I will try do go by your instructions.
I will let you know
I did as you said,
but the user located in the middle of the page
* templates/common/header.tpl
* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Simon Fraser University Library
* Copyright (c) 2003-2016 John Willinsky
* Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
* Common site header.
{translate|assign:"applicationName" key="common.openJournalSystems"}
{include file="core:common/header.tpl"}
<div class="block" id="sidebarUser">
{if !$implicitAuth || $implicitAuth === $smarty.const.IMPLICIT_AUTH_OPTIONAL}
<span class="blockTitle">{translate key="navigation.user"}</span>
{if $isUserLoggedIn}
{translate key="plugins.block.user.loggedInAs"}<br />
{if $hasOtherJournals}
<li><a href="{url journal="index" page="user"}">{translate key="plugins.block.user.myJournals"}</a></li>
<li><a href="{url page="user" op="profile"}">{translate key="plugins.block.user.myProfile"}</a></li>
<li><a href="{url page="login" op="signOut"}">{translate key="plugins.block.user.logout"}</a></li>
{if $userSession->getSessionVar('signedInAs')}
<li><a href="{url page="login" op="signOutAsUser"}">{translate key="plugins.block.user.signOutAsUser"}</a></li>
{if $implicitAuth}
{if $implicitAuth === $smarty.const.IMPLICIT_AUTH_OPTIONAL}
<span class="blockTitle">{translate key="user.login.implicitAuth"}</span>
<a href="{url page="login" op="implicitAuthLogin"}">{translate key="plugins.block.user.implicitAuthLogin"}</a>
{if $implicitAuth === $smarty.const.IMPLICIT_AUTH_OPTIONAL}
<span class="blockTitle">{translate key="user.login.localAuth"}</span>
{if !$implicitAuth || $implicitAuth === $smarty.const.IMPLICIT_AUTH_OPTIONAL}
{if $userBlockLoginSSL}
<a href="{$userBlockLoginUrl}">{translate key="user.login"}</a>
<form method="post" action="{$userBlockLoginUrl}">
<td><label for="sidebar-username">{translate key="user.username"}</label></td>
<td><input type="text" id="sidebar-username" name="username" value="" size="12" maxlength="32" class="textField" /></td>
<td><label for="sidebar-password">{translate key="user.password"}</label></td>
<td><input type="password" id="sidebar-password" name="password" value="{$password|escape}" size="12" class="textField" /></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" id="remember" name="remember" value="1" /> <label for="remember">{translate key="plugins.block.user.rememberMe"}</label></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="{translate key="user.login"}" class="button" /></td>
It looks like you’ve edited the OJS header instead of the shared library header. Instead of looking at templates/common/header.tpl
, see lib/pkp/templates/common/header.tpl
. The unchanged version should look like the second file I referenced, rather than the first.
Thank you very much for the help.
now I have one more question:
I located the code right after the image code. Now the user login is in the right block, but I want it to be on the rught side next to the image and not below.
How can I change it?
Thank you
You will need to be familiar with HTML and CSS to complete this change.
See in particular, CSS’s box model:
I highly recommend the entire w3schools tutorial.