Reorder of articles in OJS 3.1.0-1

When I want to reorder articles in published issue, I unpublish it, click on Order, but wherever I drag some submission it was returned back. SO i was not able to place it on proper place. Please advise what to do. Does upgrade to OJS 3.1.1 solve the issue?

Hi @vvucic

The published articles should be able to reorder fine in OJS 3.1.0-1 (I am also working with that version and it works for me). You don’t need to unpublish the issue first - just click on Order and then drag/drop the articles.

Can the problem be due to the journal sections? If you are trying to move an article belonging to one section (e.g. Review Articles) into anothor section (e.g. Original Research Articles) that is not possible. You will need to change the section in the article metadata first. Just a thought!

Best wishes,