I found a work around through the CSS using the float property. I am able to reorder a few of the items, but am unable to position the ‘Search’ link correctly in order. Is there coding somewhere that would be over-riding the CSS?
I was able to move things around to read: Home/About/Current/Archives/Login/Register/etc.
As soon as I try to manipulate ‘Search,’ it automatically moves to the right of About. Any idea what would be causing this automatic positioning?
Are you using a developer toolset like Firebug for Firefox? Inspecting elements and making on-the-fly CSS changes is much, much easier with something like that.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am using Dreamweaver to create my CSS and developer tools in Safari to read codes (HTML and the like). Since my access is so limited, I’m trying to work around the system.
The thing is that once I add ‘Search,’ no matter where I add it in the list, it immediately appears to the right of ‘About.’ Unless, that is, I place it between ‘About’ and ‘Home’ or even before ‘Home.’ Then it appears to be in the order on this list.