Removing old submission files

Dear all,

After using the OJS for some years there are a lot of submission files that have been used during the editorial process. Is there any tool or suggestion on how to remove them? I mean after an article being published for 10 or more years it is not likely someone would still need the submission files that have been used during the editorial process. One way would be to go simply into the filesystem and remove them, but ‘links’ to those files would still exist in the OJS UI and would be confusing.

Regards, Primož

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Hi @primozs,

Would you mind indicating which OJS version (e.g. 3.3.0-14), you’re using?

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis,

I am using different OJS versions all 3.x up to Does that make a difference? Are there any changes regarding the handling of older published articles in different OJS versions?

Regards, Primož

Hi @primozs,

It might - I will have to see if another one of our team members can look at this when they are able to. As a rule of thumb we ask everyone to indicate the OJS version they’re using, as it assists our team members when they are trying to troubleshoot, so if you could please include that info in future posts, that would be much appreciated.

PKP Team

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