Hello, I am using V and I have reviewers who do not submit their review, so we move forward, invite additional reviewers and send the paper for revision to authors. At this point, we need to remove/unassign the dormant reviewer and clean the slate, but there is no remove link.
Is there a way to do this?
Hello @lsteele,
There should be an option to unassign the reviewer in 3.1: Chapter 14: Editorial Workflow when selecting the blue arrow next to the reviewers’ name? Can you confirm that this option is available?
Hello @rcgillis. sometimes the Unassign reviewer link is available but in this case it is not.
This is my view as journal manager:
which is exactly the same as Editor (I proxied):
I am not sure if it has something to do with the flow of the submission, but it would be important to know.