I deleted my pdf.js viewer on my ojs because pdf viewer doesn’t work although I enabled it. And I want to reinstall it to my ojs. I have try to reinstall it by “Install a new plugin”… But it can’t… Any idea?
Hi @yusuf
How did you deleted it? How did you pack the plugin for the installation? What was the problem by using “Install a new plugin”?
Is there an DB entry in your DB table versions and/or plugin_settings for that plugin? Is there a folder pdfJsViewer in your folder plugins/generic/? – if so maybe to remove everything and then try to clean install again. If you use “Install a new plugin” I believe you plugin folder will have to be writable for the web user – in order for the function to be able to copy the plugin folder there. If the function “Install a new plugin” does not work, you could copy the code of the plugin into the plugins/generic/pdfJsViewer/ and then run this command line from your OJS folder: php tools/upgrade.php upgrade. But please make a backup before that!!!
Hy @bozana ,
I deleted it by clicking the delete link bellow the plugin in “generic plugin”. I just copied the pdf.js Viewer in to the generic plugin folder. When I log in as admin the plugin show up. But still didn’t work…
The problem when I used “Install a new plugin”, is the plugin not suitable with any folder.
Ok, I will try your advice… Thx a lot for the help…